How about this little assortment, Richard?
Why not give Bernard a call? Old P2 friend of yours, then? At any rate, he appeared to be a little annoyed that I had re-arranged his programming objects - hence the reference to 'bouleverser'...
Anyway, remember how you and Rimington, Scarlett, Daldry and Marr were all trying to figure out the clues on the cupboard? Do you remember what they were? All the place names e.g. Holy Sepulchre, Gallilee, Mount of Olives...last on the list 'banque' and 'France'...didn't any of you get it? P2 was primarily a money-making organisation, to put it politely!
1.6 = psi dimensions of the Luciferian temple to be built.
VSH = a rather well-known and lucrative internet company specialising in state of the art technology...
Remember the painting in the dining room by the poor daughter of the Canadian ambassador in Tel Aviv? The one which depicted my Delta team at British Intelligence. Look, you can even spot me in the picture! Poor young guineapigs, being tortured and experimented upon in the most obscene and revolting ways imaginable - as you well know. You were a graduate trainee programmer.
The Arabic writing on the skirt = ANALYZA COMORK. Not her name but the 'Comoros' islands. Now why would that be?
Want to know the current P2 British Intelligence PhelePone number? Ismael: 0525 420473
Don't be too hard on the guy though - he is under mind control and working for MI6.